FCP-Tourney-2024-MA, hardware Operating system: Windows 10 Professional GUI: Shredder 12 by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 9 5950X / RTX 3070-Ti = 16 cores Ghz, RAM: 4.0Ghz overclocked, DDR4 3200Mhz Bench: Total time= 87,18 seconds, nodes= 126164000, nps= 1447112 Bench results by Wasp 6.50 NN with 1 core, 768Mb hashtables TalkChess: U.S. Forum, thread 83065 FCP-Tourney-2024-MA, parameters / statistics Start of tourney: December 27th, 2023 (20:00) Break: February 25th, 2024 - ~2 months End of tourney: unclear HTML/FTP updates: Every 10 minutes, "Replay-Zone" is updated with Fling Plus 5.04. Games from the current round are displayed. pgn4web: https://www.amateurschach.de/fling/index.html FTP updates: Every 10 minutes, the current cross-table is updated with Fling Plus 5.04. Cross-table: https://www.amateurschach.de/fling/fcp-tourney-2024.html FTP updates: Every 10 minutes, the current game-plan is updated with Fling Plus 5.04. Game-plan: https://www.amateurschach.de/fling/fcp-tourney-2024.sto *.html overview: https://www.amateurschach.de/main/_ma.htm HTTPS updates: After every round. If I work on it more often (irregular) Games & Stats: https://www.amateurschach.de/download/_fcp-tourney-2024.zip *********************************************************** * Current statistics after round 10 (Feb. 25th, 2024) * * Move-average: 176.17 ( 88,08 moves ) * * Draws: 59.45% * * ~166 games per day * *********************************************************** Elo: ~3305 (avg. of 44 participate engines) setting for Shredder 12 GUI SlowChess Blitz 2.9 NN is playing with ~3380 Elo (reference) Tournament type: Everyone against everyone, 44 engines, 20 games per match, 860 games per engine, 946 games per round, 20 x 946 = 18.920 games total Engine-Updates: Possible for Wasp development versions only Updates are possible during the first round: January 02nd, 2024 Time control: 66 Minutes/Game + 6 Seconds/Move Endgame 6-man: syzygy Endgame 5-6-man: gaviotabases & 6-man syzygy for Texel 1.10 NN gaviotabases & 6-man syzygy for Chiron 5.01 Endgame 5-man: gaviotabases & egbb for DanaSah 9.1 NN Endgame 5-man: shredderbases for Shredder 13 Opening book: feobos-6m-v2.1.bkt for Shredder GUI based on 3.698 lines *.pgn and *.epd can be found in this download file! Cores: 1 core, Hyperthreading = off, Large-Pages = off Hashtables: 1Gb Contempt: Default engine settings changed to contempt = 0 Other settings: resign = off, ponder = off, learning = off Replay games: Every draw less than 20 moves FCP-Tourney-2024-MA, this and that dev: Developer builds from available engines are allowed. Derivat: Derived engines are not allowed. Frank Quisinsky, Germany / Gutweiler